
Learn about US birth certificates, death certificates, and other vital records. Understand the different terms related to vital records in the United States, what purposes they serve, and more.

Although the question of how race is defined on vital records such as birth certificates and death certificates in the US is pretty straightforward, its answer is quite complex.

In order to pr...

Babies switched at birth are a certainly rare yet terrifying occurrence in hospitals and other birth facilities. While some switches are temporary, in some cases years pass before anyone gets suspici...

Replacing a passport can, like all bureaucratic processes, feel overwhelming even under normal circumstances. It is easy to imagine how stressful it can become when you must obtain a U.S. passport i...

A Birth Certificate is a vital document issued to U.S. citizens that allows them to apply for various benefits and ID documents. If your certificate is lost, misplaced, damaged or destroyed then you...

Since 2017, married same-sex parents in the United States have had the right to enter both their names on a child’s birth certificate when registering a birth. This was permitted following a US Supr...

A birth certificate is an important legal document —in fact, it is the first official document a citizen is issued in their life. As such, a birth certificate is used to obtain other government-is...

If you or your family members have served in the military you may be entitled to veteran benefits. This allows former personnel to access advantages such as health care, education, and other support...