Commemorative Birth Certificate definition

Last updated July 1st, 2022

A commemorative birth certificate is a copy of your original birth certificate that you can receive as a type of keepsake to celebrate a birth or to remember someone.

This vital record is unique because it is meant to be used as a decoration. Similar birth certificates exist, such as heirloom birth certificates.

This type of vital record is also available in certain states around the United States.

A keepsake birth certificate is another vital record that fulfills the same purpose.

Australia also offers a commemorative birth certificate, known as an “extract birth certificate”.

A commemorative birth certificate in the United States is not a legal form of identification.

If you wish to obtain one for celebratory or memorial purposes, this record is available for purchase in Maryland and Florida.

The authorities that issue this certificate will offer designs and frame the record.

How to Obtain a Commemorative Birth Certificate

In Maryland and Florida, birth certificates do not become public records until after 100 years from the date of birth.

To obtain a commemorative birth certificate, you must prove you are one of the following:

  • Person named on the certificate, and over 18 years old
  • Parent or legal guardian of the individual named on the certificate
  • Legal representative of the individual named on the certificate
  • Son, daughter, sibling, spouse, or grandchild (If the individual on the record is deceased)

When requesting a commemorative birth certificate, be aware of the application fee of your state, and have the necessary identification.

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